Cada vez más datos y pistas lo confirman:
Nielsen Finds Drop In TV Usage Is Real, Not Methodological, Impact Greatest Among HeavyViewers, Media Daily News, 27/08/200
Vint Cerf, aka the godfather of the net, predicts the end of TV as we know it, The Guardian, 27/08/2007
In Europe, a Push by Phone Companies Into TV, The New York Times, 29/08/2007
Fall preview, ’07-style. New media, new ideas tout shows, The Hollywod Reporter, 27/08/2007
Sin embargo…
TV, radio look for record ad money in election, Reuters, 24/08/2007
New Media Lag Communication Impact Of TV, Radio, Magazines, Newspapers, Media Daily News, 23/08/2007
- – La TV y la radio comienzan a ser «viejos medios» para los jóvenes británicos (e-periodistas, 24/08/2007)