Hasta el 31 de marzo, gratis
La revista Gazette ha decidido ofrecer acceso gratuito a mi artículo hasta el 31 de marzo. Quienes estéis interesados, aprovechaos. Este es el aviso que ha distribuido la editorial SAGE Publications:
- Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies
Special Issue on: Impacts of the Internet on Newspapers in Europe
Volume 67, Number 1, February 2005
We are pleased to offer free online access until March 31st 2005 to one of the articles in this issue of Gazette: (click on the article below to view the free PDF)
An Immature Medium: Strengths and Weaknesses of Online Newspapers on September 11 by Ramón Salaverría
For a complete list of articles in this issue (and free abstracts) please click here
This special issue of Gazette brings together articles that discuss the impact of the internet on printed media, and in particular newspapers, in different countries in Europe. The articles are written by scholars from five different European countries. They are the result of discussions and research carried out within the framework of COST Action A20 on ?The Impact of the Internet on Mass Media? chaired by Colin Sparks from Westminster University, UK.
Regards, SAGE Communication & Media